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Salary Payments & Minimum Wage

September 4th 2018

Salary Payments and Minimum Wage – A Word of CautionAre you meeting your obligations to pay salaried staff at least the minimum wage?This is a hot topic in...

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You're Fired! - Terminating an employee

July 31st 2018

So, you have an employee who is not performing/meeting expectations/not the right fit, there may be many reasons…..what do you, or can you, do about it?  W...

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Time and Leave Records

July 13th 2018

Current legislation requires that employers keep complete and accurate records of all time, leave, wages, employment agreements, etc.  So, what exactly do ...

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June News - Changing Landscapes

June 19th 2018

In our June newsletter we have taken a look at what is happening around employment law and the challenges with pay and holidays that are regularly featurin...

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Keeping Pay Competitve

June 14th 2018

Overall the messages about pay movements in the last year have been fairly consistent across the different survey providers.  Average increases for operati...

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Learnings from the Smith City Case

May 28th 2018

Many of you will be familiar with the recent Employment Court decision in the Smith City case.  The Court found that the decision of Smith City Group Ltd n...

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April 2018 Newsletter

April 30th 2018

Check out our April 018 newsletter for updates on employment law reform and the latest in case headlines

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Planning ‘Shop’ Work for Easter Sunday – Retail Sector

February 11th 2018

Following changes to the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990, employers can no longer require employees to work on Easter Sunday.  This legislation applies to shop...

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Public Holidays this Christmas

December 1st 2017

Working on a public holiday is a requirement for some employees.  If you have staff working on a public holiday do check that you are paying them correctly...

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Closing for the Holidays?

November 28th 2017

If an employer regularly operates a closedown for a holiday period, or seasonal break and requires employees to take annual holidays or unpaid time off thi...

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New Government - First 100 Days and Beyond

November 25th 2017

With a new government now in place it is time to take a look at what changes are and could be on the horizion for employers.

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Can deductions be made for failure to give notice?

October 27th 2017

The 2016 changes to the Wages Protection Act 1983 combined with an Employment Court ruling have changed the landscape for deductions.The Wages Protection A...

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Are you using the right type of employment agreement/contract?

October 16th 2017

Using the right type employment agreement is key to being clear on expectations, protecting your business interests and reducing risks of misunderstandings...

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Workplace bullying and harassment, how well are you managing the risks?

September 27th 2017

There have been a number of recent cases in the Employment Relations Authority where constructive dismissal allegations have been linked to claims of bully...

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Time and leave records – what must be kept?

September 18th 2017

A  couple of weeks ago I attended the immigration update which again flagged the importance of time and leave records.  Apart from all other legal obligati...

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90 day trial period, are you getting it right?

September 11th 2017

The 90 day trial period was first introduced in 2009 for employers with less than 20 employees.  In 2011 the trial period provision was extended to all emp...

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Harmful Digital Communications Act, what does it mean for Employers?

September 4th 2017

In July 2015, the Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) came into effect.With the rise in digital communications this act is about deterring, preventin...

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What is on the governement agenda?

June 29th 2017

There are currently a number of Bills (proposed new laws) that have employment implications that are at the reading or select committee stage in Parliament...

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Staff Rewards and Recognition

June 27th 2017

Ideas for retaining staff is a question we are being asked more and more.  This is often because recruiting skilled staff has become a challenge.  Times li...

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Employment Changes from 1st April 2017

May 23rd 2017

The start to the financial year has seen increases in minimum wage and IRD mileage rates along with the final changes from the 2016 implementation of minim...

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