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Highlights from the ERA's Annual Report for 2023

June 24th 2024

The Employment Relations Authority (ERA) has released its Annual Report for 2023, providing a detailed analysis of the trends and outcomes in employment di...

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Employment Law Updates

June 10th 2024

Holidays Act Reforms Government announced last week that it is intending to publish an a ‘exposure draft of a Bill’ in September 2024 as a start to reformi...

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Are your employment agreements or templates in need of a review?

May 23rd 2024

In the past weeks, we have noticed an increase in people issues that have been more complex or costly to resolve because the employment agreement lacked pr...

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Raising the Bar in Leadership

April 11th 2024

As we enter performance review season, our focus naturally gravitates towards evaluating individual performance from a top-down perspective. In doing so, w...

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Autumn Insights: Wage inflation and business impacts

April 5th 2024

The latest views on wage inflation in New Zealand indicate that while overall inflation might be showing signs of slowing down, wage inflation remains a si...

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Is Your Team Structure Right For Your Business?

March 26th 2024

With the economy hurtling headfirst into a headwind, these are troublesome times for small businesses. From plunging trade exports to rising operating cost...

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Minimum wage increase - are you ready?

February 27th 2024

On 1 April 2024, the adult minimum wage will be increasing by 2%. As an employer, you’ll need to keep up to date with the latest minimum pay rates and pay ...

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90-Day Trial Periods – Size No Longer Matters

December 21st 2023

The Government passed a Bill under urgency this week to restore the right for any employer to include a 90-day trial period in a new employment offer for a...

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Managing Public Holidays in 2024

December 11th 2023

If public holidays have the potential to cause disruption to your business operations and/or workforce management, consider transferring a public holiday b...

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Christmas 2023 - Closedowns and Public Holidays

November 23rd 2023

It's hard to believe it's nearly December already!  Here's a quick overview what you need to be thinking about when it comes to how Closedowns and Public H...

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Christmas Restructures

November 13th 2023

With an eye on the year-end, we’re noticing a seasonal bump in the volume of potential restructures being mooted. Driven in part by the lingering echoes of...

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Gallup Report: Could 'quiet quitters' could be your company’s best asset?

October 18th 2023

According to Gallup's 2023 State of the Australian and New Zealand Workplace report, 20% of employees in the region are ‘thriving at work’, while a concern...

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Choosing HR Systems – do your homework!

September 4th 2023

In recent years, the usage of online HR applications and subscription models has been on the rise. While these systems can appear attractive for automating...

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Hybrid & home working: are your arrangements formalised?

August 14th 2023

Many employees continue to work from home or work flexibly post the pandemic.  Some are because people have had to, in other cases, it has simply become th...

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Fair Pay Bargaining - First applications are underway

July 31st 2023

Ahead of elections 2023 we have seen the initiation of a number of fair pay bargaining applications.  The application for bus transport is now at the barga...

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Employment Law Updates

April 12th 2023

Check out our latest update about changes in employment law including how you could prepare as Employers for the upcoming extension in timescales for raisi...

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Cyclone 3 - Maximising No's of People at Work/Support for Businesses

February 23rd 2023

As the week unfolds our focus has been on helping Employers as they restore operations and get as many people back to work as possible.  Some of th...

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Cyclone Cleanup - Paying Staff and Assessing Work

February 20th 2023

A priority in cyclone-affected areas (where shelter, food, safety and water is sorted) is turning attention to how we can help with getting as ...

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Restructuring - Are you considering changes for your business or team?

December 7th 2022

The Reserve Bank raised the Official Cash Rate by a record 75 basis points at the end of November.  Inflation is biting and having real impact on our daily...

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Employee Retention – what to be thinking about in a tight labour market…

November 3rd 2022

Now more than ever attention needs to be on keeping your good people.  It all seems doom and gloom in the headlines so let's think about what is in your co...

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