Now more than ever attention needs to be on keeping your good people. It all seems doom and gloom in the headlines so let's think about what is in your control and can help keep you at the top of the cliff!
A good first step is to consider what you know about your people – what motivates them and helps them to give you their best? Staff surveys and 1-1’s are great opportunities to get people talking about their employment to you rather than just their family and friends... When did you last do these and is it time to follow up?
The next question is considering what you do and offer as an Employer and whether that is still relevant in todays environment. Some starting questions are;
- What is your turnover of staff - if you have lost staff have you done exit interviews to find out more about their reasons and how long they might have been considering leaving so you can make improvements where needed?
- How do you get people started with you so they can learn their roles and operations? Are you doing full pre-employment checks to help with good decision making on new recruits and are your induction processes helping people to integrate quickly?
- What do you have in place for supporting your people to further develop once in role so they stay with you or even better be successors for people you know will be leaving you?
- Are you dealing with people issues in a timely way? If not could you lose your good performers or their level of performance as a consequence?
- What benefits do you offer? Are these still the benefits that your staff welcome or are their others that might need to be considered?
- When did you last review pay and what did you factor into that in terms of market pay and the extra costs employees are facing as a consequence of inflation?
If looking at these kinds of questions makes it a good time to look at your people practices, what else you could be thinking about or doing differently get in touch with one of the team at Grow HR.