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Food (and Rest) for Thought - Changes to Rest and Meal Break Provisions

April 13th 2015

On 6th March, 2015 new provisions for rest and meal breaks were introduced into legislation. These provisions are intended to provide greater flexibility t...

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Payments for Public Holidays

December 13th 2014

There are four public holidays over this Christmas/New Year period – Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and the second of January.  These are fallin...

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Payments for Public Holidays

December 10th 2014

There are four public holidays over the Christmas/New Year period – Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and the second of January. Payment for public...

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Employment Relations Update

August 22nd 2014

A matter of interest where the Employment Court overturned an Employment Relations Authority determination was De Bruin v Canterbury District Health Board....

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Pre-Employment Checks

August 22nd 2014

Finding out as much as relevant and possible about your preferred candidates before employing them is our recommended approach to recruitment. The 90 day s...

Read More Survey Tool

August 22nd 2014

We are delighted that we have recently been approved as a Partner Advisor for the newly launched survey tool This new tool which has been ...

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Rehabilitating Staff Back to Work

August 22nd 2014

With Mandy office fairly bound due to an injury (non-work by the way!) for the last few weeks it seems timely to write about the support available to help ...

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Random Drug Testing in a Safety Sensitive Workplace

May 7th 2014

In a recent ERA matter a construction labourer was dismissed by his employer after he failed a random drug test. He sought interim reinstatement. In the de...

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Why it's so important to have a good Position Description

April 28th 2014

This is something we HR professionals talk a lot about. To the point where sometimes you can see an employer’s eyes begin to glaze over when they hear the ...

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Employment Relations Amendment Bill

December 13th 2013

The Transport and Industrial Relations Select Committee has released its recommendations on the proposed Employment Relations Amendment Bill. The Bill is p...

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Employment Relations Update

October 7th 2013

Recently the Employment Court has provided some helpful clarification as to what constitutes casual employment. In the case of Baker v St John Central Regi...

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Is your employee employed in the right way?

October 7th 2013

There are many different ways to engage an employee. They could be employed under casual, permanent or fixed term employment agreements and they may have s...

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Case Review – Importance of Clear Terms and Condition

July 5th 2013

Soanes and Brown v Cardrona Adventure Park Limited, highlights why it is always important to be very clear about terms and conditions from the beginning of...

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A quick case law round up….

April 19th 2013

There seems to have been an extraordinary amount of activity in the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) and Employment Court of late.  A quick snapshot of...

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Ringing in the Changes!

February 14th 2013

Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. (John F Kennedy) The New Year is often a time of c...

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Leadership Gardening – Developing Effective Leaders

October 19th 2012

In the last article on this subject, I wrote about the importance of selecting the right raw materials in terms of core leadership competence and also orga...

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Leadership Gardening - Selecting Future Leaders

October 18th 2012

When talking at leadership week, I used the analogy of gardening, to explain how to develop great leaders. Over two installments, I thought I would share a...

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The Dangers of Employment Agreements

August 8th 2012

Are your employment agreement templates up to date? Do they support your business? We have recently reviewed some employment cases and noted an increasing ...

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In Times of Change

April 5th 2012

I recently heard from an employer who had a major contract up for renewal. There was a feeling of nervousness as the current contract had encountered some ...

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Having Landed the Right Fish

February 9th 2012

Like that fish we talked about last time, a staff member not properly cared for once landed can soon go “off”.We need to talk about how to get your staff o...

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